Friday, July 26, 2013

Family Life

I stink! The blog has definitely taken a back seat! Life has been. . . well busy. I honestly have no idea how this happened but the Little Miss is TEN WEEKS OLD! Holy moly! It sure does go faster with your second!

And my boy. My baby boy. I seriously can't get over him. He is the most amazing everything. Most amazing son, brother, friend, child of God. He has so much love for life. And he turned FIVE. AHHH. I can't even stand it. Five. That's like for real. He's a little boy. 

So follow our life the last few weeks in pictures. Filled with family love and family visits.

2 Months Old


Mom said...

Very nice Ker I love the way you arrange them. I can't believe with everything you have to do and you still have time to do he blog, You are AMAZING!!!!!

Poppy said...

What a nice selection of pictures!
What a BEAUTIFUL family!!
Love, Poppy