Friday, January 18, 2013

Play play play

We have been super busy - but don't have many pictures to prove it!

I did get to snap a few when cousin Benjamin came for a sleepover the other night! We...had...a...blast!!! I love seeing (and hearing) the boys together!! Throw Uncle Rob in the mix and it was just super fun!
And today we had a snow day!!! Luke was so excited to see it last night and woke up early this morning to play in it. We got ready and got right out there!
Then we got the sweet reward of cookies and hot chocolate.
Love making memories with my boy!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New. . .

So here we are - a new blog, a new year, and a new baby on the way! I know I have a lot of catching up to do so I will get right to it.
{If you need to find out where I left off from the last blog visit Luke's Life.}

We told Luke he was going to be a big brother in October and he has been beyond excited!
We also had a great rest of our November and December. They were filled with lots of activities that included family and holiday preparation and celebration. 

Thanksgiving with the Stevens':
Preparing for Christmas:
Going to Disney World!!!
Enjoying Christmas at home...
And with family...
We also took Luke ice skating for his first time! He skated with Mommy, Grandpa, and Uncle Kevin and did awesome!!
And now that the holidays are over, we are going to start getting ready for Newbie! We had an ultrasound the other day and everything looks perfect. Such a miracle! 
Luke helped us paint some samples on the nursery wall and he's excited to help with more!

So now that I am up and running, thanks to the help of my best friend, hopefully I will keep up with the blog! Hope you enjoyed!